I thought so too. But the topic is interesting. Mathematicians especially brag that what they do is valuable in proportion to its uselessness. Personally, I like spending time in useless things. Recently I was learning APL which is a totally useless endeavor for me. But then I look at other things I do and I cannot say that they are useful either. Then there is curiosity. There is no end to things to be curious about. I’m curious about so many things that I could never reach the end of curiosness with one topic. Curiousness or temptation comes at first as a very strong motivation but the next day the curiousness stregth diminishes and a new and stronger curiousness appears and attracts me so I go towards it forgetting the thing I was curious about the day before. Curiousness is also a question. We are curious means we are searching the answer for a question we asked or was asked to us. Something we saw or heard can show itself to us as a question. Then we go looking for its answer. But all answers raise more questions then they answer. So there is an infinite chain of questions. Curiosity is infinite. In her book The Manipulated Man Esther Vilar [1] writes that general curiosity for curiosities sake is a male attribute; a woman is curious only about things that have direct effect on her. This seems like a more sane and intelligent world view. That must be the reason all examples given in original article are men.
I thought so too. But the topic is interesting. Mathematicians especially brag that what they do is valuable in proportion to its uselessness. Personally, I like spending time in useless things. Recently I was learning APL which is a totally useless endeavor for me. But then I look at other things I do and I cannot say that they are useful either. Then there is curiosity. There is no end to things to be curious about. I’m curious about so many things that I could never reach the end of curiosness with one topic. Curiousness or temptation comes at first as a very strong motivation but the next day the curiousness stregth diminishes and a new and stronger curiousness appears and attracts me so I go towards it forgetting the thing I was curious about the day before. Curiousness is also a question. We are curious means we are searching the answer for a question we asked or was asked to us. Something we saw or heard can show itself to us as a question. Then we go looking for its answer. But all answers raise more questions then they answer. So there is an infinite chain of questions. Curiosity is infinite. In her book The Manipulated Man Esther Vilar [1] writes that general curiosity for curiosities sake is a male attribute; a woman is curious only about things that have direct effect on her. This seems like a more sane and intelligent world view. That must be the reason all examples given in original article are men.
[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18692364