| | Ask HN: Best Centralized Backup Solution | |
133 points by bkgh on Dec 16, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 67 comments
| | What is best free software for managing and scheduling backup procedure of folders/databases in many clients? I want a centralized system that have fine-grained schedule and can show backup status of folders and databases in different clients. It's better to have plugins for supporting backup using different kinds of tools like PostgreSQL(pg_dump), MySQL, Redis, SSH ,... . Backups can be stored on different places like S3, Dropbox and local folders. |
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I couldn't use rsync.net though because all it's datacenters are outside of EEA, i'm currently looking into doing this myself on a simple VPS, ZFS for linux has matured quite well it seems. I'm a bit new to doing chroot jails on linux but the ZFS snapshot part is very easy if that's enough for you.
It's pretty trivial to make a pool put it in a user directory and then make snapshots... you could easily make a script to do schedule the snapshots, or there are at least two tools already around to schedule this for you via either cron or systemd timers: zfsnap or zfs-auto-snapshot respectively.RE databases, with some extra work you could also use ZFS on the source server and take a snapshot of the database (once you invoke the correct commands to lock it), rather than do a dump, this would be very fast because it prevents the duplication of a dump, and therefor could be done much more frequently, you however have the additional complexity of then syncing the snapshot to another servers ZFS pool, although there are tools for this I haven't bothered going this far.