This is great feedback to help optimize the site but I wouldn’t lose sleep over it u til you’ve proven the concept. As an early iteration I’m glad you made a useful tool and you shipped it. Optimizing bundle sizes is much easier than making something useful.
That being said, getting feedback like this helps you spot ways to make it better. I’m on an iPhone X with very good data most of the time so my opinion is going to be biased toward not caring about 1MB of js that will be cached in future visits.
i guess r/weightroom would be the best match. it has daily threads reserved for banter but is otherwise well moderated.
r/bodybuilding is pure meme, r/weightlifting pretty focused on the sport itself. r/fitness has a lot of questions by beginners who ask the same thing every single day. i don't know r/powerlifting, but i heard it's very memey too.
nah, imo r/weightroom is the best, but as a newcomer, please lurk for a couple of weeks until you learn the rules and culture.
I like the concept too. Unfortunately due to all those things loading it wouldn’t work in Safari on iOS. I use Firefox Focus as an ad blocker and I suspect it doesn’t like a bunch of the techniques used to load content.
Wow these comments are bordering on toxic. The dude created something useful in his sparetime Jesus Christ nobody has anything better to do than complain about JS and load times??? Site runs fine on my iPhone and desktop, lighten up !
I think if it's on Show HN, there's an implicit assumption that one is interested in the question "what's the most critical feedback, right or wrong, I can get?"
JS and load time commenters represent a particular demographic within HN which may not necessarily represent mainstream opinion, so no need to get worked up over them. Just recognize them for what they are, mentally filter them out, and move on to other more insightful comments.
I agree. Building an MVP with something like React et al makes sense because it's a pleasurable developer experience. Comments like the ones on this thread make me scared to show any side projects I have/might develop.
All the comments about JS are, to use Hacker News lingo, “tangential”. As someone who both lifts and enjoys the environment of Hacker News, I would very much appreciate a website outside of Reddit or the more mainstream lifting forums, full of bro-science, anecd(o/a)tal comments and misinformation, where I could discover interesting and factual articles and studies on how to improve my lifting. This would be a benefit to the whole community.
I'm one of the two creators of this website. It grew out of the problem of Moistjuggernaut that he couldn't find any in dept training articles. So I helped him set up this MVP to see if we can find people with the same interest.
The site itself is built with vue.js + firebase. Commenting is definitely the next functionality we are going to add. With ssr we want to tackle the no JavaScript issue we are currently having.
It looks nice. I don't mind it requiring JS, although I certainly agree a website of this kind doesn't need it similar to how HN has only a few lines of it.
I assume this is an MVP and the commenting and other HN features will come later.
I say "H. N." in my head whenever I see Hacker News as an acronym.
My question is, when you have an acronym that you tend to say the individual letters of, do you change the a/an? For example, this example would be "an aech en inspired ...", where if you read the acronym as "Hacker News", it would be "a Hacker News inspired...".
Another common example is FBI.
It always irks me when I see "a FBI agent", but I'm not sure which is actually correct.
I am with r/fitness, where my overall opinion is the lack of quality and the same recurring posts and superficial questions. IMO this subreddit is good for going from beginner to intermediate. As for advancedfitness I wasn't aware this was a subreddit so thank you! I just spent some time going over it, I think our goals are similar but if I had to point something out it would be the diversity of topics, meaning I would maybe like more off topic posts. Although while typing this I'm realizing this is probably an insignificant difference and difficult to maintain. I'll have to think about it once I get more familiar with the subreddit. Thank you for pointing this out.
My apologies for the confusion ans the fact I wasn't clear enough with what I meant with inspiration. In the sport/ gym world a large majority of the articles are superficial and try to lure you in with click bait titles. For me (with a not as deep knowledge and background in software as the community here which is abundantly clear) I am a long time HN lurker because of the fact it goes against this. Against the instant gratification and towards quality content. Thanks for your feedback!
I know you posted them all, but the articles on there are exactly the kind I’d like to see as a user of HN. Looking forward to seeing a comment feature in the future if possible.
I agree with this comment. I would personally very much like to see some talk about given links. However, I believe it would decrease the quality down. Yes, Hackernews has this; but there are really well-informed people here and active. It is not the same with fitness world.
Lots of things don't work without javascript (I assume you meant to ask what does work without javascript), but HN, for example, does work without javascript.
HN is "good" (debatable) because it's backed by Y Combinator. The tech involved is the bare minimum needed to solve the problem, and isn't a good model for "how to successfully build and run a community".
Without the support of some of the most powerful people in SV, and the people who follow those people, this site ceases to exist, and quickly.
Replicating HN's simplicity/tech stack is like painting stripes on your Civic because the F1 car you like has them.
Fantastic! I already saw some interesting articles. In fact science is greatly needed in this area, where there's less of a scientific focus on a lot of popular media sites on the topic. I end up personally learning a lot more actual SCIENCE from YouTube sites such as FitnessFAQ's and Calisthenics Movement than fitness websites with articles. I've spent ages understanding pathologies I've had, upper trap pain and elbow pain, and recently made some inroads.
Question - where's the comment section? HN's commenting quality and mechanisms are why it's so much above Reddit intellectually.
weightroom is, in my opinion, one of the best resources for strength athletes right now. just keep in mind that it has its own peculiar nature and rules; if you're a newcomer, keep your contribution to the daily thread until you learn the rules.
it's more in the style of askhistorians; so strictly moderated and low-effort comments are generally not tolerated except for the daily thread, which is fun.
I think this is a great idea - only thing missing is the thing that makes HN HN: discussions! Without that it seems just like an RSS feed. Also, groupings like Ask HN or Show HN. A lot of fitness/nutrition stuff is controversial and the discussions help separate the chaff.
The design is good enough... I guess it's not optimized but it's by no means a deal-breaker. I'm sure it can be optimized as you go.
Cholesterol article fails to mention how the USDA softened its dietary guidelines in 2015 with regard to cholesterol. There is no longer a recommended maximum intake limit. The exact wording: "Adequate evidence is not available for a quantitative limit for dietary cholesterol specific to the Dietary Guidelines." There is still bullshit about limiting dietary cholesterol though; they are waffling on the issue.
Thanks. Excuse me. But comments are a very important part of the concept - discussions happen to be incredibly interesting on HN, it feels like I've probably learnt more useful stuff from the comments than from the actual news here.
I like the idea, but it doesn't load any content for me at all:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
@firebase/firestore: Firestore (5.5.9): Could not reach Cloud Firestore backend. Backend didn't respond within 10 seconds.
This typically indicates that your device does not have a healthy Internet connection at the moment. The client will operate in offline mode until it is able to successfully connect to the backend.
I'm wondering how you got your initial users? I've had similar ideas but a site like this is kinda useless without content, and without content, nobody will read it/post. Catch-22, etc.
Love it - good work. For me, this will serve as a nice shift from YT fitness content to more written content. I like the idea of creating community around it, whereas YT or IG is more transient.
Hacker News:
7 requests 61.10 KB / 20.65 KB transferred Finish: 1.04 s DOMContentLoaded: 484 ms load: 876 ms
Doesn't require JS
Doesn't have a floating top bar
Doesn't load content from third-party domains
Strength News:
13 requests 1.07 MB / 358.76 KB transferred Finish: 2.28 s DOMContentLoaded: 1 s load: 1.39 s
Requires JS
Has a floating top bar
Loads content from third-party domains, including tracking scripts
That criticism aside, I like the concept, and would probably use it if it had active discussions, like HN.