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I've been using zig for the past 2 weeks in my spare time. I had so much fun writing in it that I ended up supporting Andrew on his mission and became a Patreon.

In one word zig is "joy". I forget that I am actually writing a compiled language. It feels almost like python. Everything just snapped into place for me.

I encourage everyone interested to give it a try, especially if you prefer C over languages with a strong paradigm. It is very easy to pick up zig. Read the short manual, check some samples or the "std" library and you can be immediately productive.

C interop is amazing. comptime is a sample of how it should work in other languages. syntax is clean and simple. no headers, good error strategies, a (rather) helpful compiler, build system included etc.

The only downside is now it feels heavy to go back to work and hammer on C++ ...

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