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> we can consolidate all the important knowledge and pre-packaged work

Noble intent, but time for that is not yet. The state of cloud infrastructure practices today is a primordial soup of ideas, marketing and the myriad of tools trying to survive on the market, like Terraform vs Ansible vs Cloudformation :)

Good infrastructure is hard, there is global networking with CDNs, DNS, CI/CD, Git integration, HA, monitoring, security, you name it. Thats why you will not find the code on Github, only blog posts on Medium, code brings bread and butter to so many people, including me :), why sharing it ?

And most important. To create really reusable by many infra code is even harder. You need to feel what features should be there for everyone, and what is bloat. It'll take many times the effort of writing non-reusable architecture for one company.

> .. And again they frown

Made me smile :)

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