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Thank you! I try, but it upsets me people feel this way. I made the platform to help users open their minds more, and it seems the people who should be using it are just hating on it.

As someone who has to deal with groups on the internet often (I'm a moderator here), I know how upsetting that can feel. May I offer a tip? Try to remember that the vast majority of the community isn't reacting this way. It's just that most people don't comment.

When you post to HN or elsewhere on the internet, you're broadcasting to a large crowd. Somebody somewhere is probably going to get triggered—that's just statistics. But when it's a public forum, those are the ones who show up to vent their spleen. So comment sections are weighted towards these sorts of reactions, not because they represent the community, but because it's a self-selecting, biased sample.

This leads to the community seeming a lot more negative than it is, which sucks. The only solution I know of is to give more attention to the other data you have: e.g. the upvotes, and any traffic to your site. That's a challenge, because we're hard-wired to take personal communication more seriously, and comments feel like personal communication (though really aren't).

Thank you, I shall try to think more like this. Indeed I am focusing on a minority here - I had great success either way with >700 users, >4K views and $420 from supporters in just 1 day. I should be more grateful of that, instead of focusing my energy on closed-minded people.

I’ve always found that the people who pursue a diversity of skin tones and genders and the like are the most ideologically isolated (“safe spaces” and deplatforming and all that), so perhaps your platform does the opposite. Besides, “diversity” as you define it is mainstream—the people you’re trying to reach are almost certainly inundated with the thoughts and opinions you would try to expose them to.

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