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Right? The economics of fare enforcement are a great illustration of this. It's probably more efficient to just abolish fare collection altogether.

This been attempted in quite a few places: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2018/oct/15/i-leave-the-c...

> 'in 2017 there were 99 fare-free public transport networks around the world: 57 in Europe, 27 in North America, 11 in South America, 3 in China and one in Australia. Many are smaller than Dunkirk and offer free transit limited to certain times, routes and people.'

I wrote a letter to the Sydney Morning herald about 15 years ago saying, OK, starting today, let's make all public transportation free, by not paying for it anymore. All it takes is everyone acting together. They didn't publish my letter. I really shouldn't have given up so easily - I still think it's a good idea. Just need to set a date and get everyone talking about it.

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