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Disclaimer: I've been working full time on various large FLOSS projects for many years and I contribute to other ones in my spare time.

You start with "I salute you. I’m a fan" and then call a lot of people "fundamentalist", then "You have made a choice based on an ideology", "blind to the realities of the world you live in".

Then "But like most utopian views, it’s naive", "It’s a pipe dream", and finally "Like all fundamentalists, they simply ignore some inconvenient truths".

Then you ramble through justifications of your business model (and quite a few logical fallacies).

For being a fan, you express your support in a strange way.

Now excuse me while I go back to writing software as a gift to whoever wants to use it.

Proprietary software developers "love FOSS" when they can build their products on it. But, if users desire those same freedoms, they're suddenly fundamentalists or zealots.

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