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Yep - I specifcially remember using Padmapper (3Taps) around the time that Craigslist yanked their content.

Padmapper is just a much better interface for craigslist data. Even though craigslist pulled their data, craigslist didn't create a new interface to match or even bother to improve their experience, even though they have the user mindshare for posting this type of data.

Essentially it's as you said - innovation is being killed to preserve walled gardens like Craigslist, and users are the ones being hurt here.

> craigslist didn't create a new interface to match or even bother to improve their experience,

That's not completely true. After lots of bashing online [1], craigslist started adding some features such as searches on maps[2]. Even though it's not as nice and easy to use as padmapper was, it would still be considered an improvement.

[1] - https://www.inc.com/abigail-tracy/craigslist-quietly-makes-c...

[2] - https://sfbay.craigslist.org/d/apts-housing-for-rent/search/...

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