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Because the defacto IDs, e.g. SSN (US) or NiNO (UK) are so much better! They have no identifying features, so it's trivial to commit identitiy fraud. And once that happens you're fucked because they cannot be changed. But sure is better than one of those nasty ID cards that e.g. Germany, one of the most privacy-conscious nations, uses. (/s)

SSNs have been terribly abused by private industry. They were never meant to be handled by private companies, but here we are with a non-consentual credit scoring system based atop it.

Should people be required to hold a national ID card? It may have been rammed through in Germany, but many are not happy with national IDs. Its a basic consent of the people problem IMO. Passive acceptance is not consent or support, but merely dealing with the situation at hand.

What's your point? People have driving licenses, a passport and never think twice about using credit cards or loyalty cards. But somehow an ID card is uniquely dangerous? I don't buy it. The status quo is already worse!

Its because its so open to abuse by the police and reminds people (sorry germany) the Gestapo - that's why post ww2 the UK rejected ID cards.

The status quo is terrible, that is not a good reason to add a "secure" national ID though, it is apt to make the problem of tracking worse.

Considering they are the most privacy conscious, it's pretty hard to avoid running into bullshit like Schufa or the need to register your address with the authorities.

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