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It's not that simple. What you mean by saying "(a)synchronous mode" is very different from database to database. See my above comment. Is SQLite synchronous or asynchronous if you configure it as journal_mode=WAL and PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL?

For my purposes as an application developer, I care about comparing databases operating in safe mode i.e. a system crash should never cause total data loss. According to my experience SQLite's safe mode is many times faster than LMDB's safe mode, with a write workload. While LMDB is thrashing the disk and achieves only a handful of write transactions per second.

SQLite's safe mode is not comparable to LMDB's; SQLite is vulnerable to silent data loss in a crash.


LMDB is not.

Isn't this from the paper "all filesystems are not created equal"? [1] If you search the tables for "sqlite-wal" you will see that it shows zero vulnerabilities.

[1] https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/osdi14/osdi14...

Ah, the earlier result was for SQLite-rollback, their default mode. IMO any DB should default to its safest mode.

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