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I think you're unnecessarily dismissive of pilot waves and people who accept them. There are plenty of compelling properties of pilot wave theories, like a proper accounting of measurement.

Even John Bell of Bell's theorem suggested that the greatest problem facing physics was integrating the non-locality of QM with relativity, and the fact that pilot waves place this non-locality front and centre is a feature not a bug, because other interpretations can more easily sweep this under the rug only for difficulties to show up later.

Also, there are many perfectly fine relativistic extensions of pilot wave theories, so that claim is factually incorrect. They haven't settled on a canonical one, but pilot wave physicists get probably 0.01% of the funding of other physics work, so that's hardly surprising.

A recent experiment actually seems to disprove pilot wave theories once and for all: https://www.quantamagazine.org/famous-experiment-dooms-pilot... (discussed a few weeks ago at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18198811)

You can see my comment about it here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18201035

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