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Replacing housing with salary, it doesn't seem obvious that the answer is yes, though. Quick Google for wage vs inflation came up with this, which appears to show that real wages actually haven't increased when you account for inflation. Maybe I'm missing something, but your point doesn't feel quite as self-evident as you imply. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/08/07/for-most-us-...

On the entire average, wages haven't increased. But you can't apply that argument to FAANG employees who are buying expensive homes in Bay Area, CA. Where very clearly salaries have as a matter of fact increased by a large percentage.

The same is the case with housing. Its not like the entire USA has the same housing prices as Bay Area, CA. In fact its not even the whole Bay Area, CA itself.

The thing is there is something always available for everybody. But one might not get what they want. Just like how every one wants to be a employee at Netflix and earn $500K but can't.

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