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That's the whole point of it. Not the caveat really, but the primary feature! Whereas Electron will package chrome in every binary, this uses what you already have installed.

Obviously not great for many product types. You wouldn't want to build a product off of this, knowing that a user might not have Chrome. But for internal enterprise stuff, or community-built tooling - I can imagine this is quite useful, and downloading a 3MB binary is a whole lot better than downloading a 300MB for the same program.

I would love to see this work alongside Electron, where you can provide two download buttons for your app. One if a user has chrome already (3MB) and another if they don't (300MB).

Of course the API and model differences between the two would be hard to solve, and require another level of abstraction.

I'd like to see this as a single button, where you download the 3MB standalone, and if the user doesn't have chrome, it downloads an Electron runtime.

I would like to see electron as system package. Would work similar to Webview in Android (which is updated as normal package and any app can use it). And the best part is, that it can be done (I mean, create such a component with nice installer and auto updater). Just nobody done it and rather keep bundling full electron with every app.

I started a webview project some time ago, and I see some people using it in their projects - https://github.com/zserge/webview Basically, it provides some high-level APi over a native system webview (WebKit or IE, depending on the OS).

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