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How to Remember Anything Forever-ish (ncase.me)
30 points by glassworm on Oct 30, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I can't recommend anki enough for people interested in this.

Other relevant spaced repetition discussions on HN:









TL;DR: You learn better if you revisit the material in exponentially-increasing time intervals. This can be automated.

SuperMemo is the original software (by the inventor of the technique). Anki is the recommended free alternative.

So... I am curious. I used Anki a lot for learning languges, but I never used it for programming.

Can anyone recommend it for learning syntax?

I am going to give it a try

Edit: Googling on hackernews actually gives some previous discussions. One of those: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10247471

Nice article, for tho's who wants to know more about the art of memory, there is a nice video that explains clearly that in TED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQKt58kuEnk

That is awesome! Very engaging, informative and useful!

I agree. I find an article like this very useful. Glad I saw it!

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