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when you log into most banks and websites that perform financial transactions you are routed to an SSL logon, its a default choice, in fact most of the transactions are done under SSL. why should social networks be different?!

by now it is clear that unauthorized access to social networks can cause much distress and even worse to a great many people who use them.

Banks minimize their liability when they use SSL, facebook should do this too. at this point it should be clear that the effect on a person social life can be severe, career destroying, financially damaging, what have you, we are witnessing stories along these lines in increasing rates.

The release of this extension is a blessing in my view, it forces the issue that companies like facebook or twitter would prefer to ignore, or cover in obscure terminology, this simply demonstrates how trivial this is.

When Ingersoll Rand released the Kryptonite lock, they named it after the mythical element that would bring superman to his knees. Too bad the lock was revealed to have a design flaw that enabled cracking it up with a BIC pen, was it shameful to display that defective design?

Facebook etc... talk about privacy all the time. This forces them to walk the walk, not just talk.

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