I originally submitted this as a bug report to Apple security, but after a couple back-and-forth emails, their response was that "Processes are no longer required to run as root to bind to port numbers less than 1024." While there is debate as to whether or not this is useful security anyway, it came as a surprise to me.
This is in contradiction to their current documentation here: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Security/Conceptual/SecureCodingGuide/Articles/AccessControl.html
Now in 10.14, any application, regardless of the user's privileges, can bind to typical reserved ports, such as 22, 80, 443, etc. etc.
Example server using netcat:
nc -l 80
hello world
Example client:
echo "hello world" | nc <ip address> 80
Note that their implementation is actually
buggy, as binding to anything other than INADDR_ANY ( or :: for IPv6) requires root privileges:
nc -l 80
nc: Permission denied
The standard macOS firewall protections still apply (if enabled), so the impact depends on the actual system configuration.
Privileged ports never had much purpose, and were designed to address a hypothetical ("what happens if I let untrusted users run bad code on my system, if a root processes crashes they could tie a user process to that port first!").
But if you want to allow users to run untrusted code in user space and restrict what they can do, you're better off relying on actual security technologies, rather than hacks like <1025 restrictions (e.g. Network Namespaces, iptables, AppArmor, SELinux, Containers, et al).
On MacOS it is even more hypothetical since it isn't even a server OS so already running a untrusted process in the primary user's context is the whole farm, since on a mostly single user OS that's where all the cool data to steal already is. You want to steal my identity, my credit card, my web-passwords, my private photos? No need for root, user space has all that!
Plus if you're really worried about service impersonation then utilize certificates, the benefit of that is that you aren't just protecting against evil processes, but even network hijacking and other upstream threats. If the service you're concerned about doesn't support public key crypto then wrap it in a tunnel.
You won't see popular UNIX (Linux, BSD, etc) ever lose privileged ports, but realistically if you re-invented them today that would be a laughable concept and you'd just talk about Network Namespaces or other cool jail tech'.