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_This_ is why I linked to my undefined behavior post. Your comment is about as clear an example of being in the semi-portable camp as any I've seen. And I'm not blaming you, because in C you _can't_ do SIMD in the standard camp, so it's actually one of the more compelling reasons to remain in semi-portable. Rust is different though.

Also: the linked crate does use the type system in pretty much this way so that code that clients can be safe. However, there are limitations; it's not just whether a particular instruction can be used, which remains immutable once it's detected, but also which _registers_ (and, by extension, calling convention) can be used. That varies from function to function, and requires the `#[target_feature(enable)]` annotation to control, so just having an `Avx` type in hand is not quite enough to ensure that you're in a context where using the ymm registers is ok, and the intrinsic will be inlined to a "V" variant asm instruction. This is discussed in some detail in the "caveats" section.

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