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Because all the better environments are not sufficiently portable.

That said, even then, I'll take Qt over Electron any day of the week.

If they're not even portable between established systems, how are we going to port them to a comparatively exotic wasm+DOM target?

Wasm+canvas is an easier target but even if it gets us to the same difficulty as normal desktop targets, portability between normal targets is already a problem.

My reaction to using the canvas instead of the DOM is very, very, very negative by the way. Webpages with fake text that is actually pixels rendered to a canvas are currently mostly restricted to dystopian notions of either the end result of the ad-blocker arms race or else extreme anti-copying measures.

Basically it is Flash all over again, just now it is built-in in the browser.

I think the world MUST start to make/tell the difference between (web)apps and web pages. Slack does not need to be written in js/html. Skype does not need to be written in js/html. They do those in electron just to avoid having to maintain X different code bases.

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