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Apple wants cyclists to buy a cellular apple watch

I'm a cyclist with an Apple Watch and iPhone SE. The watch is nearly useless when I'm riding, because it requires me to remove one or both hands from the handlebar for too long to accomplish anything meaningful AND possibly take my eyes off the road to see what's (not) happening on the display. Too many Watch apps wait until you open them to update (if you're lucky) or tell you to unlock your iPhone first. It sounds convenient, but it's really a usability nightmare on a bike. Use Siri instead, you say? I can already do that with my headset, so what benefit does the watch provide?

I use my watch mostly at work for 2FA and to passively monitor my notifications. When I need to respond, I'd rather use my phone, so adding cellular to the watch doesn't really add much value for me.

This cyclist bought one. Then he found out his Canadian carrier (Fido) doesn't support Apple Watch.

Fido isn't even a real carrier. It's more that Rogers (along with the other carriers) has chosen to artificially restrict Apple Watch support to only its most expensive plans.

Yeah I'm still skeptical about this eSIM business

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