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It was not required to implement the tls heartbeat feature, and IIRC most tls implementations did not implement it - except for openssl. The real problem there was openssl (and it was a big problem, being both the widespread default choice, and too hairy for most competent engineers to bother to dig into, at the same time ...)

Again, nobody was asking for the Heartbeat feature. I went back and read through the (IIRC?) tls-wg posts about it. The same is true of extended-random† --- 4 different proposals! None of them were really pushed back on. It was just sort of assumed that if nobody strongly objected, it was going to become part of the standard.

DNSSEC is another great example. Look around. Nobody in the industry is asking for it (try that "dnssec-name-and-shame.com" site to confirm this), except the IETF and a very short list of companies with a rooting interest, like Cloudflare. In the very short time it's been around. DNS over HTTPS has done more to improve DNS security than 25+ years of DNSSEC standardization ever did. The cart has been dragging the horse here for a long time.


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