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Yes, competitive salaries in business centers are 3x higher in the US. It is possible you are not acquainted with current prices.

3x isn't really 60-80% though? I understand fb median salaries are 240k usd rightnow, alphabet about 190k usd. Non-faang a fair bit lower. So offers of 70-100k eur in europe, doable in the more expensive bits, would be more like half-ish.

It's more like 340k total comp right now for google and fb.

So yes, about 3x what you get in Europe.

And saving $6k-$8k a year in auto expenses is not that much compared to a 3x increase in income.

If Berlin salaries are 66% lower than California, then yes, it is 3x. For people like me, I would make about 80% less were I to work in Berlin vs the US.

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