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Exciting, but not so ethical. We owe society to put our knowledge towards making it better for all people, not just "our team".

It's important though to make sure that your team keeps tactical advantage so that it can continue existing. Maybe someday mankind will find world peace but in our current world there are a lot of nations that hate each other still and wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of weaknesses of other nations for personal gain.

It's equally important to question your "team".

In the developed world, hatred is often manufactured to gain power... The leaders of a nation can cause more harm in their quest for glory than the average citizen of an opposing state.

If our team is resorting to unethical and immoral ways to gain that advantage, then we can't take the moral high ground and also can't complain when the other team also does "whatever it takes" to gain an advantage.

Also, security through obscurity is, as we know, an illusion. Information always finds a way out.

I understand your point, but there should be limits.

As I tell my small human, The good guy must do only good, or he is also the bad guy.

What do you tell your small human about the current behavior of many prominent adults, or if the small one is too young to see what's happening, what will you tell them?

Good on you, man. The world needs more good guys.

But once you create the technology and hand it over to someone else, you have no assurance that it's only going to be used against the "bad guys":

Judging by the number of parts ordered from Xerox, Zoppoth believes that spy cameras may have been installed in photocopiers all over the world, to keep an eye on U.S. allies as well as enemies

> Exciting, but not so ethical. We owe society to put our knowledge towards making it better for all people, not just "our team".

Our team promoted liberty and democracy worldwide (see below). The other promoted totalitarian dictatorship, labor camps, etc. If your team is liberty and democracy - self-determination for all - then it's not 'our team', it's everyone's team.

To address the elephant: Yes, there were many, many exceptions to the West's support of democracy, and many of them were awful (Indonesia, the Mideast, Zaire/Congo, and many others come to mind) but beyond a doubt, during the Cold War and after democracy and liberty exploded - stop and compare it to any other time in human history. Lots of bad things happened, but compare that with Soviet-dominated areas such as the USSR itself and Eastern Europe.

+1, couldn't agree more. I wish more nations/Governments would think like this, but too many are motivated by more wealth and power. At some point, you would think, the animal would satiate itself. It appears that is not the case.

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