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So what is the biological mechanism at work here? Take boatloads of antibiotics and kill most of your intestinal flora, so that inflammation on the appendix is reduced? (If I'm completely of the mark please correct me, it's been years since I had any biology related coursework)

With all the recent studies of the evolving antibiotic-resistant properties of bacteria and the importance of mantaining a healthy intestinal flora and how much the gut influences the brain, I am not sure that this treatment is necessarily preferable to modern appendix removal surgery. That said, if given the option, I'd probably prefer this than getting cut open (even if the incision with modern techniques is very very small).

I'm guessing you still have to take antibiotics when you have any surgery to reduce chance of getting an infection.

The whole point of the appendix is maintaining a healthy gut flora, so removing it for the sake of avoiding antibiotics that impact the gut flora doesn't seem that wise.


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