I just wanted to share that everything jvns is saying here is true.
In 2014, for the Google Summer of Code program, I applied to build a JIT compiler for the MoarVM virtual machine. (It is actually more correct to speak of my work as a JIT backend than a full-fledged compiler - the 'frontend' of the compiler was already under development when I started). At the time, I knew just short of nothing about compilers, let alone JIT compilation. So what I did instead was learn, and make lots and lots of mistakes.
And it worked. The JIT backend I created has been in production since 2014, with a new backend since 2017, and a small (but thriving) community of contributors. It is far from the worlds most advanced JIT compiler, but it does provide a nice speedup on real-world perl 6 programs. All the while I've continued learning.
I would like to know, when you run into the situation that you don’t know was is going on with what you are building and feel a sense of confusion, do you:
1) Stop and spend time trying to get a clear mental model of what you are confused about
2) Push forward and try to build despite not understanding
In the past, when I tried doing super-ambitious things, I used the second strategy. Many sleep-deprived (tip: “sleep is for the weak” is BS) nights in which I accomplished nothing left me with a strong feeling that I should not try to do impossible things. However, since I learned the first strategy and have been applying it successfully to projects at work, I am rethinking this. I have increasingly been feeling like I would be able to be surmount large challenges if I first set myself up for success in terms of resources and people to ask for help.
A) Do you apply a “step back and study” strategy to tackle confusion? Have you found it successful?
B) Do you have any more detail you could add on how it works?
C) How do you set yourself up for success outside of a work setting? For instance, I would like to write a server-side debugger for nodejs that is independent of google chrome and works toward a pry.rb-like developer experience. However, I haven’t written C since by OS class in uni and I don’t know the internals of node.js. How would I go about building trustfull relationships with people who know the internals of node.js so that I can ask them questions in the style of https://jvns.ca/blog/good-questions/
A heuristic I use that is very accurate for me is whether or not I can easily step away from what I'm doing (for a break, or just to finish the day) or do I feel a compulsion to keep going. If stepping away is difficult, I'm definitely in a "death spiral". At this point I can be sure that my productivity is already low, and it will just get worse. It's a burnout; a feeling that your problem-solving apparatus has overheated; severe tunnel vision coupled with impatience. It's weird that it produces such a drive to continue.
So when you pose the question, whether to push or take a step back, in my experience, it's better to pick clarity over aggressive pushing. It's subjective though. While I think there are overarching principles, I also think that different people react to these situations at least a bit differently.
To say a few words about confusion when confronting something you don't fully understand, I think the more confusion you can take, the better. Ideally confusion should be second nature to us, too often we jump to something prematurely just to escape it. When you think about it, we never fully understand all the things at play. It's about not being paralyzed by that.
These are all good questions, and not so easy to answer :-) Any answers I can give are personal, of course, and may well have no relevance to your situation.
a): 'Studying' is definitely very important to get an idea of the context of the thing you are trying to solve. (I did a lot of reading both before and during the project). But, it doesn't always relate easily to the problem you have right now. (E.g. I'm using linear scan allocation, and the papers on that method all glossed over the nature of a 'live range', which took me 3 iterations to figure out). And without a practical problem to guide you, it is easy to get lost in literature.
b): What I find is that before I try to do something, I typically put together a high-level overview of how I think I can achieve it (what stuff to change where, and what I will need for that, roughly). But I'd classify that more under planning than under studying per se.
What I also do is take lots of notes. I have several large org-mode files (big fan) and before that paper notebooks in which I write down thoughts as they come up. I think org-mode is superior because it lets me organize things after the fact. Notes are a crucial bit of making progress for me, because I don't need to revisit the same things over and over.
The other thing that I find helps very much (and which I wasn't very good in at first) is to do incremental, small-step improvements. Move a function here, change an struct there, change an interface, move some process earlier or later, split it up. Simple things that you can do and that you know will not go wrong. Many problems can be broken down in that way, and the few that can't can at least be 'isolated' so that you can fix them 'atomically'. I wrote a blog post about this some time ago, if you'll excuse the link: http://brrt-to-the-future.blogspot.com/2016/06/in-praise-of-...
c): I was lucky to be able to join the perl community as part of a GSoC project, and fortunate that the perl community is altogether friendly and welcoming. And I really can't speak for the node.js people at all. But what I will say that anyone with a genuine interest in contributing (as you seem to have) and a willingness to do the work to learn (and to listen) will find a warm welcome from nearly all open source projects, because all of them are relatively understaffed compared to their ambitions :-)
So in your situation, I'd start with checking out the node.js source, start with trying to figure out how a debugger could work (there is lots of prior art here, of course, so you can check out the chromium source as well), and ask your questions basically as the jvns comic demonstrates.
I have a simple little project I'd like to make to manage movie night with my friends. Right now we do it all over email and it's a confusing mess. Since I'm new to the world of web apps (and looking for an excuse to dive in), I needed to learn some background and now I'm firmly gripped by analysis paralysis. I've learned a bit of Go, of Ruby and Rails, Dart, Angular, and some others. I've read through most of the HTTP spec and I have Roy Fielding's paper where he defines REST in my Pocket account.
This morning I'm thinking I should check out Azure or maybe Google Cloud. But also I've done work in Java + Tomcat... maybe I should dust of my JDK?
I need somebody to say "here are the four things you need to make a one-page app that lets users express some preferences and constraints and a little engine in the background can tally the results".
Ruby on Rails is more than enough for your needs. Pair it with some simple HTML, plain JavaScript (no frameworks whatsover), and a database of your choice and you're good to go. Or you could use plain JSON with no database at all. No cloud either, just host it to a simple shared hosting provider.
Don't be lured by the latest and greatest HN koolaid. Stick to the bare minimum. The more complexity you add to a project the harder would be to maintain.
Is Ruby on Rails really a candidate for bare minimum? Part of the reason I backed off was the enormity of Rails. Part of why I'm doing this is to understand what's going on under the covers and Rails feels like it has a broader and more opaque cover than most other options.
With scaffolding, you can have a functioning Rails CRUD app in literally minutes. There is a lot of stuff Rails _can_ do, but not a lot of stuff you _need_ to do. You don’t even need to write a single line of JavaScript if you don’t want to.
rails new && rails g scaffold Movies title:string && rake db:migrate && rails s
Visit localhost:3000 in your browser and there you go.
With that short line, you can CRUD Movies including a functional UI.
Obviously “real” apps will require a bit more work, but not much depending on how complex you need things to be. The Rails Guides are super helpful.
If someone wants a more robust and production-ready intro to Rails, Michael Hartl’s free Rails Tutorial is exceptionally good.
I only mentioned it because you said you did some research/learning on it. Seems like the best choice from all the technologies you listed because it is the more mature for web development.
Other than that, no it isn't necessary. You could start with plain HTML and JavaScript only. But sooner or later you'll have to choose one tech for backend.
If you already know java for the backend then just use that. Or if you want to learn something new pick one language. You don't need to learn all of them.
For the client side I would recommend vue, but react is also very popular.
Once you have chosen the backend/frontend technologies then you can start building. If you don't know anything about rest learn how your apecific framework does it. You don't need to learn rhe whole spec. At least not in the beginning.
It's worthwhile to think about what the minimum viable product might be... I had a similar problem with a book club, which we solved with a google drive spreadsheet (collecting ranked votes) and an ipython/ jupyter notebook (performing the run off).
Not sure exactly all the requirements, but it sounds fairly simple. Use AWS S3 or Azure Blob to store and retrieve a static webpage and json "database" and wrote the whole thing in JavaScript and html
This can work well if you are in an environment like the Google Summer of Code program. It's much harder to do this if you don't have a mentor or two who would be able to spot your mistakes and guide you in the right direction. For many engineers out there they would not have the same set up. Someday I would love to help out somebody with something ambitious but I feel like I need to learn a ton before I am in that position.
Indeed. Mostly, it just takes time and getting familiar with whatever idea you're tackling.
I love to throw out crazy ideas. Most of them get filtered away, but I've gotten to prototype some initially unapproachable stuff:
* Generate a dsl for interacting with web pages in ui tests from the frontend framework templates
* Write a test recorder that lets you step through the browser state
* Write a Jenkins plugin to track who's probably broken what test
* Write a VSCode plugin to add run buttons to CodeceptJS tests
* Write a git hook that maintains two way synchronization of a folder between two separate git repositories (by rewriting & copying commits).
My co-workers see me do crazy stuff, but in actuality, it's not that hard. I would say that VMs are definitely harder than what I've done, but I think the concept is the same: the unfamiliar seems unapproachable.
I find DSLs and FSMs are the most satisfying things to develop. Getting a DSL right is like a magic turbo button and a FSM with the right states and transitions can help clarify really ugly problems.
Some of the best experiences I've had programming is when I thought of something I'd like to make, but it seemed impossible. Then I went and made it.
You do that enough times and coding becomes like real-world magic. You know you can do it, you don't know how yet.
Yes, there are places you can get stuck. Rules-processing, unstructured data, Markov Chains, ML, and so forth. But even that's a win. You start understanding the various classes of problems to be solved and how best to approach each one of them. That kind of meta-knowledge is really difficult to get without wading into things.
At the end of the day, you realize that there's no such thing as impossible problems in coding. There's just problems that people can't figure out how to produce optimum results. A lot of the ML stuff we're seeing now is more like "make the best of things" and less like math.
I agree so much! It's good to remember that many things seem impossible until you do them! After all, if they were easy, someone would have done them already.
It's rosy, but there are actual theoretical limits (like the halting problem) which act as a bedrock in that magic. Eventually we might find a way around, but we cant be sure of it now.
Even something like the Halting Problem does not rule out as much as people impute it to. It just proves you can't write a program that can analyze all programs, but doesn't mean you can't analyze some programs. However I disagree with your concluding sentence - the whole point of a proof is that we are sure of it now, there is no way around. I would instead phrase it as, we may in the future find that the things we're interested in doing need not run into this barrier, because we refine the notion of what we actually want to accomplish.
I thought the comment was both interesting and illustrative. Sure, in CS there's a ton of things still to do. But my comment wasn't about CS, it was about programming -- making things for people. The programs don't have to be provably correct or even consistent. That kind of stuff is the science part of programming which is completely different from the applied philosophy that is programming computers to make stuff people want.
If I'm reading that correctly, Segment was (is?) providing some people $8K per month for 3 months to work on open source projects. That's amazing! Here's a link to their 2017 application page: https://open.segment.com/fellowship
Yep, to put it in perspective this kind of money in Europe is pretty much a VP/CEO level of salary for a medium size company. Or just about enough to cover ramen and rent in Silicon Valley I imagine.
Contractors in London with React (which I don't do), can make 600 EUR/day. That's well over $8k/month.
It's a great scheme, and I applaud them for it, and it's a hike up if you're non-Senior, but for about 10%-20% of engineers I know it's a pay cut for 3 months. That's OK, you get to work on something awesome. Not bad, really.
Not really- it’s a decent amount but not crazy. You would have to be a contractor to take this up, and that’s quite a bit less than a contractor on say 500 EUR/day would make.
I'm a contractor and if someone offered me $8K per month for a 3 month contract building open source software of my choice, I would leap at it with both hands. Normally I do the same thing, but I don't actually get paid. ;-)
I suppose I should be spending more time looking out for this kind of thing. It's possible there is more money in open source development than I had previously considered.
One thing that caught my attention is Julia’s value of work / life balance and the humanization (if that’s the right word) of programming. She very deliberately didn’t work on this in her spare time (underlining that coding isn’t the only important thing in her life) and when she did build the prototype she explicitly wanted to do it at a weekend coders retreat with other “wonderful” people around (as opposed to secluding oneself in a room and coming out of it with a solution).
Same here. I had to do a double take when she mentioned that. She is a pretty accomplished individual and I always assumed that a lot of her personal time was taken up doing programming related activities. Now I know you don't necessarily need to sacrifice all your personal time to become HN famous.
I'm glad she mentioned that too, sometimes it feels like there's cultural pressure thag if you aren't hacking in every non-work hour then you're a slacker…
This is so inspiring, thanks a lot. It's great to see that there are now resources going into supporting OSS developers that require only an idea and pedigree, and not a finished product and a business plan.
At last someone speak up about that very subject "doing impossible things" without being negative about the fact the community (of haters) forbids that behavior.
Innovation is NIH somewhat, somehow and that is a Good Thing.
I don’t want to work for a company that only bolts together off the shelf components, although talking to me a few times you might get the idea that this is precisely what I want.
I hate working at a place where people are so busy being clever that they reinvent everything. You steal from the younger devs an opportunity to learn, and you externalize the cost of your poor documentation and interface consistency onto your coworkers instead of spreading it out over the entire industry. This is NIH.
What you should do is pick a segment of your problem space that has mediocre tools and make something much better. The 80/20 Rule seems to work quite well here, when I see it applied, which is not often enough.
The other side. We spend 80% of our time on the last 20% of the code. Make it count for something. Do something that differntiates you from competitors.
I had that thought as well. We need more optimism when it comes to programming. This talk inspired me to stop putting off my side projects because they seem intractable.
I do love it when people post their slides for presentations, because this means I can usually get the gist of it without watching the video. Thanks, Julia! Though one quick comment: you're drawing your slides by hand, which unfortunately makes it a bit annoying for other people to consume–copy/paste doesn't work, and I'd assume people with limited vision might even be completely out of luck. So a transcript would be really nice.
I can't tell if she's nervous or awkward or excited but it reminds me of myself when giving talks, even to small groups. I get so flustered that my mind races and then the rest of my body tries to catch up so I'm now talking really fast and moving and jumping all over and being very fidgety with things. Anyway the difference is that she managed to get her points through while mine often gets lost.
I still don't know how to fix that except to practise and memorise what I'm going to say, and then just read it. But then it just becomes very monotone-y.
Practice, practice, practice. I used to be unable to do presentations, unless I had practiced them out loud twenty times in the days before the presentation.
I wouldn’t write a script and stick to it word for word, I’d make slides and general points and then practice them out loud until I got them right.
After a few years of doing this, I only had to practice a few times.
Today I can stand up anywhere and talk about anything to anyone without notice. But it was a long road getting here.
I still get the same feelings of anexiety, but the way they effect me has changed with the practice. Where they’d once made me mumble and lose my train of thought they now motivate me. I still get red cheeks once in a while, but I’ve learned to laugh it away.
So practice, practice, practice, but it’s a lot of hard work. I mean, practicing a 30 minute presentation 20 times takes maybe 12 hours, and if you’re anything like I was, there is no short cuts.
Very true, and I do still prepare for presentations.
For me though, the side effect of practice has been how I can now naturally put my thoughts to speak and deliver the points I want the way I want. Both of these things seemed almost like magical abilities to me 10 years ago.
Whenever I have to speak publicly, I try to channel Barack Obama. He talks so ... slowly. He pauses so ... ... long between sentences. It feels like agony when you’re doing it, but it works. In reality the pauses are never as long as you imagine, and it gives the audience time to absorb what you’re saying.
Huh, for me it's opposite. Recorded myself practicing, thought I talked at a reasonably pace, but realized it was sooo sloow.. and.. boring.. to listen to. So I feel I have to deliberately talk faster.
Anyways, record yourself practicing, it's a great tool.
Recording yourself and reviewing the recordings is a technique I've used. I am uncomfortable doing it (do not like hearing / watching myself!), but it's definitely helped me analyze how I come across and then adjust accordingly.
Also a good strategy to use when preparing for interviews.
After I’ve written a full script, I reduce each sentence to a few keywords (25-75%) in my notes. That way, I’m re-building the sentence in my head during the presentation and it flows much more naturally than just reading off of a script.
A tip is to talk in slow motion, because if you talk super slow and think of it during your talk, you will probably talk normally.
Your mind and heart races and so does your speech, so that trick is good for when you're nervous and have helped me several times when giving presentations. You will think that you're talking in slow, but in reality you are talking normally.
So I admit that I didnt read the whole thing, but this seems more like yet another push for bitcoin, and not actually about philosophy?
> So lets focus on that, the impossible thought: How can we live together in peace and prosperity with each other and nature?
By fixing ethical misstandings, improving laws and destroying borders where none need be.
> So again, blockchains and ethereum are software and you can do any thing with them.
You cannot fight racism with it. You cannot fight prejudice with it.
If all you have is a hammer, lots of things start to look like nails. Sure, you might be able to hit your girlfriend with the hammer, but the relationship would probably improve more if you talked about the problem.
"Sure, you might be able to hit your girlfriend with the hammer, but the relationship would probably improve more if you talked about the problem."
Or, rather, if the relationship ceased before violence entered the equation.
(In case anyone complains about pessimism, a friend of mine says often: "Relationships can only end in one of two ways: death or breakup." I'd rather think of it as a stoic position.)
Anyone know what Julia is using for those handwritten slides?
I absolutely love everything Julia writes. She writes in a way that makes absolutely zero assumptions about your level of technical competence. You could be a junior, mid, senior and still get something from most of her articles.
Almost every female engineer I work with writes and communicates in this fashion and I really bloody wish more of my male counterparts would speak with less jargon/acronyms for the sake of new starts/non-engineers.
> Anecdotally; Almost every female engineer I work with writes and communicates in this fashion and I really bloody wish more of my male counterparts would speak with less jargon/acronyms for the sake of new starts/non-engineers.
It’s not a good idea to generalise and push gender stereotypes in this way. You’re saying that female engineers have better communication skills than male ones, setting the bar higher for female engineers.
You might think you’re improving gender equality with statements like this but really you’re setting a different bar of basic competencies for males vs females.
Honestly couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m not trying to improve anything, I’m stating experience. The clues in the word anecdotally. It’s a shame HN always devolves into contrarian and counter-contrarian tit for tats like this
Ohh I was about to reply to your next comment, but it was deleted. I couldn't agree more. That comment was downvoted, but not the 2 replies preceding it containing bizarre and far-fetched accusations. Shameful. What kind of society is it where you can't say: [sorry for quoting at length]
I absolutely love everything Julia writes. She writes in a way that makes absolutely zero assumptions about your level of technical competence. You could be a junior, mid, senior and still get something from most of her articles.
Anecdotally; Almost every female engineer I work with writes and communicates in this fashion and I really bloody wish more of my male counterparts would speak with less jargon/acronyms for the sake of new starts/non-engineers.
- without that apparently not being allowed:
It’s not a good idea to generalise and push gender stereotypes in this way. You’re saying that female engineers have better communication skills than male ones, setting the bar higher for female engineers.
You might think you’re improving gender equality with statements like this but really you’re setting a different bar of basic competencies for males vs females.
The problem is you chose to group your coworkers by gender in the first place, and then assign some trait to that group.
Your comments just end up reaffirming confirmation bias. It also reveals your own bias to automatically associate traits with a certain gender.
Why not group people by color of their eyes, handedness, tallness, and so on? I'm sure if you look at the coworkers with "good communication" you could find common traits that are not related to their gender. So why imply gender as the cause?
Anyways, I think it's something to be avoided and be aware of in your communication.
it’s sexism
What an utter load of rubbish. Hard to know where to start with all the misguidedness in there. (It reminds me of hearing someone say once that to say that men have penises and women vaginas is sexist.) Your reality is clashing with their theory, so your reality must be the thing at fault. Insanity. Does appalling nonsense like this come from vaguely hearing some gender studies stuff at uni? It seems they think they're doing good by their ignorant, condescending attacks on what was enthusiasm + observation.
Just to comment; I deleted the comment because I don't want to waste any time on arguing against that particular line of insanity.
I wasted my time writing it, but I realise its not worth engaging or even having it open to engaging with further. It's appalling that it devolved to this point. There is something happening with us all, it's as if any form of online discourse has to be bucketed into some form a political container in the minds of some people.
They've got a filter of sorts that scans for words and outputs a response in the form of "This relates to <INSERT_MEME_HERE>".
A program of sorts that states; Your sentence contains the word women and men, oh okay that comment is certifiably a post that is pro liberal agendas, and the poster is 100% guaranteed to be anti conservative. NO! Its a fucking post about the fact that SOMETIMES there are observable differences between different groups of people.
Sure. Well, I didn't think you wasted your time writing it; it was a thoughtful explanation of how there should be nothing offensive to anyone in what you'd said. But sure, life's too short. I don't think you had to delete it though! But being downvoted for trying to communicate like you did is very frustrating, I imagine!
I don't see this happening on here much, though, thank goodness. It did make me think of the documentary The Red Pill, and although this wasn't directly a 'men's issues' matter, you see the same blind—to use that word—SJW mania. So sure they're on the side of right that they don't need to check if they actually are. (I don't fully understand all this, maybe no-one does.) It's much easier/more exhilarating to join a crusade or lynch mob than to put the time in to judge for yourself - thinking is hard work and people don't like doing it.
Anyway, I'm glad you stuck up for yourself, it's a shame you deleted that comment though; it was admirable.
Yes but if you said the same about a race or other marginalised group it would get called out on and you would probably agree. It’s not tit for tat, it’s sexism and it’s important we address it collectively.
The poster above clearly didn't mean what they said as an attack or an attempt to set unfair standards for women, I don't think what you're saying makes any sense.
I work with a lot of gay men and I notice that they can often be more empathic and sensitive than straight men. Different groups behave differently and individuals can act however they like.
It's not sexist or homophobic to notice trends. We stand to gain a lot from noticing how people behave and reflecting on how we act ourselves.
The intentions are not the issue. The problem is demonstrated in your comment - the poster has presented an anecdote and you have interpreted it as trend.
You can’t just say women are like X and men are like Y unless you actually have reasonable evidence to back it up. Prefixing it with the word it’s an anecdote is just a get out clause that makes it seem ok. In the end the effect is negative on both men and women, even if it’s a positive trait.
You probably aren’t noticing actual trends, you’re just reaffirming thoughts you already have by picking specifics traits out. It’s perfectly natural and normal behaviour, but it’s still not right and we should avoid it where possible.
I don't think people generally get called out for mentioning their positive impressions of people of a race or other marginalised group.
I get that they can affect expectations but we shouldn't allow ourselves to be paralyzed by the conceivable negative effects of our well-intentioned comments.
The problem is you chose to group your coworkers by gender in the first place, and then assign some trait to that group.
Your comments just end up reaffirming confirmation bias. It also reveals your own bias to automatically associate traits with a certain gender.
Why not group people by color of their eyes, handedness, tallness, and so on? I'm sure if you look at the coworkers with "good communication" you could find common traits that are not related to their gender. So why imply gender as the cause?
Anyways, I think it's something to be avoided and be aware of in your communication. I assume you didn't do it on purpose.
That's true (and it's not because they're male, it's because they spend a massive amount of time communicating with machines and not so much other humans)
(btw, if you go through her drawings over the years, they got better and better. I think a lot of what makes them great nowadays is practice, practice, practice)
Have you ever seen Guy Steele’s “growing a language” talk? If you like hand written slides, you’ll like that one. He did require an old fashioned OHP though, since it was all done on transparencies with crayons! Unfortunately that wasn’t very video friendly, so he had to use traditional ones for the recording, you only get the OHP treatment by seeing the talk in person.
Very controversial topic to wade into, but: I do think that our field suffers from poor explanation of technical topics. I heard this described at a place I used to work as a "macho culture" - where it was deliberate behaviour as display of aggression, rather than sheer incompetence. Arguably this does relate to traits that men exhibit more than women (on average).
I think it is also out of laziness or simply forgetting to step out of one's own shoes sometimes. It's sometimes hard to explain all the technical parts of a project well to a newcomer who has 0 experience with a particular project when its something you've been working on for months at an in-depth level. We're all guilty of skipping small parts of explanation simply because subconsciously we've done it so much, or it is such a 'trivial' component of a given process or system.
These poor explanation and documentation patterns I find most often in open source (though it does indeed occur in industry software as well). A huge number of GitHub READMEs reflect this notion (even in npm packages, for example, that are downloaded 1000+ a week!).
To the author of software, the README may be perfectly clear, but for first time users of the software, it can be totally lacking and/or just plain confusing. I always try to be explicit as possible in my instructions and documentation in hopes to battle the field's poor explanation reputation. It's definitely a skill I always try to work on and get better at.
I cannot upvote enough your comment (and I am a guy). Computer Engineering and IT are overcrowded with males and male behaviors which hurt the field and drive away a lot of people that are smart and eager to offer but they cannot tolerate the machismo of the field. A sad state of affairs for any profession.
I'm not saying that all males are exhibiting these behaviors but the ones that do are prevalent (and it seems that by doing so they're gaining an edge which makes them successful memes that stick and expand).
I think this means "the assumption of zero knowledge." I love when Scientific American or articles on the web try to give the reader an idea of a recent advance in physics, say, by starting to explain that "atoms are these tiny thingies which are so small that you cannot see them with a naked eye and which were first conceived of by the ancient Greeks." In certain contexts, you cannot make an assumption like that.
Generalizations are the basis of all thought and science -- it's all about abstracting the chaos into a cohesive taxonomy and laws.
Without generalization we are lost in paralyzing (and inane) case by case judging of everything. In CS terms, generalizations are basically pattern recognition.
Can they be bad? Sure. But not because they are generalizations.
I'm not even sure what you're getting at. That you can find all kinds of types in either group? I don't think anybody disagrees.
A generalization is still valid though if it recognizes larger tendencies in each group (where there's lot of overlap, but e.g. different peaks at different approaches).
Is your position that it's illogical to even consider this? Because a lot of scientific research (never mind the parent's empirical observations) disagrees.
The key is not to not make generalizations, but to try to make their as good as you can, and to not insist to apply them to some individual instance that doesn't match them. One should also improve their generalizations over time, as new data come in.
I agree with you. My admittedly snarky/oblique point was that these days it's personally, professionally and politically advantageous to make negative generalisations about males, but not about females. Just pointing out a fashionable double standard, as I see it.
I was providing localised anecdata about the people I specifically work with.
I don't think its against site rules to state personal experiences, actually it's the basis of healthy debate.
If I said something along the lines of "all female engineers" without the context I provided; i.e its most of the female engineers I personally work with, then yeah I could see how that would be construed as virtue signalling. I assure you that's not my intention, and apologies if it comes across that way.
When we share personal observations, especially on a site like this, it's reasonable to expect that most people will interpret them as an invitation to treat them as insight into wider patterns. If your anecdata was of no wider application, and you only believe it be relevant to your specific circumstance, it begs the question why publish it at all?
In any case, no need to apologise - from your other comments I don't think we're on diametrically opposed sides in this particular political tussle. Go in peace.
Some of it is due to a fashion though. At some point the bias towards what you say end would look as quaint as the bias against women in the 50s or so.
People will get to view at the behavior you describe in the same way people looked at hippies after their fashion was gone...
> Almost every female engineer I work with writes and communicates in this fashion and I really bloody wish more of my male counterparts
That's just reporting facts about the specific people he happens to work with. It would be generalization if just said "female engineers," without the qualifiers "almost every...I work with."
I guess you could claim that he's implying a generalization, but that's a claim someone could make about any reporting of specific facts.
Would you honestly proclaim the same thing if the genders were switched?
Also note how almost every female engineer he works with writes communicates in that style, but somehow his wish for others to communicate in that style only extends to his male colleagues.
Yes, I would. I try to read what people actually say, and not leap to uncharitable conclusions about them if a more charitable interpretation can reasonably fit.
If you use a really large telescope, say, 3500mm, you might be able to spot the point, which you missed, about 3 light years from where you are right now.
In 2014, for the Google Summer of Code program, I applied to build a JIT compiler for the MoarVM virtual machine. (It is actually more correct to speak of my work as a JIT backend than a full-fledged compiler - the 'frontend' of the compiler was already under development when I started). At the time, I knew just short of nothing about compilers, let alone JIT compilation. So what I did instead was learn, and make lots and lots of mistakes.
And it worked. The JIT backend I created has been in production since 2014, with a new backend since 2017, and a small (but thriving) community of contributors. It is far from the worlds most advanced JIT compiler, but it does provide a nice speedup on real-world perl 6 programs. All the while I've continued learning.
So... definitely try ambitious things :-)