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How did you choose the terminals to benchmark against? What about xterm or gnome-terminal or powershell or whatever?

We tried to strike a balance between "commonly accepted as fast" terminal emulators and coverage of "commonly used" terminal emulators. Termite gets us libvte-based terminals (like gnome-terminal), urxvt is generally considered as one of the fastest, and Kitty is another well-regarded GPU-accelerated terminal emulator. On macOS, there's not nearly as many choices.

Ultimately, it would be great if we could benchmark against every terminal emulator, but that can become a very time-consuming task. If there's another emulator you feel should be included, we can consider it for future updates/benchmarks.

You could try Terminology (I'm the main dev). It can be GPU-accelerated or not.

I didn't know that Terminology has GPU acceleration. I would be happy to include this in the future!

i would imagine konsole could be of interest as it's the default in KDE and not using libvte.

I would second that

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