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Ha, you may need to read more about him. Jack has been doing hand-overs for a long period (longer than 5 years actually). The personality of him is more close to Larry Page rather than Elon Musk. He seems to like doing less ground-crunching management, focusing on long-term visionary things. And for the last few years he even not spoke often publicly for Alibaba and his social media account is full of NGO activities. Maybe it's just time for a new journey.

Also Jack IS the god in Alibaba forever, no one can really change that.

In fact, I have read his book. I'm not suggesting he is a part of some conspiracy. But it would be irresponsible to not notice one of the top 10 biggest CEOs of recent history stepping down at a noticeably young age within a week of one of his cornerstone companies being implicated in a breach of one of the largest owners of American financial data.

>Also Jack IS the god in Alibaba forever, no one can really change that.

Cmon, man.

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