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I mostly know Typescript, but I'd like to learn more about Dart... particularly where the type system differs in theory. Do you have a good recommended article on that?

The other question is the community one: if Dart requires type bindings (like TS .d.ts files) to the large community of JS projects, how does it plan to solve the kickstart problem. It's taken TS community many years to over just the popular js libraries out there. Imho, I'd make a utility to convert/translate TS definitions into Dart wrappers... but that would require to support TS primitives almost 1:1.

None of this is meant to sound critical, I'm just genuinely curious on the process of language development.

> Do you have a good recommended article on that?

I don't, but I agree it would be useful. We're not where I wish we were in terms of docs right now.

> if Dart requires type bindings (like TS .d.ts files) to the large community of JS projects, how does it plan to solve the kickstart problem.

We actually have a tool that will generate the proper Dart interop bindings given a TypeScript .d.ts file:


> It's taken TS community many years to over just the popular js libraries out there.

Dart is different from TypeScript in that we are deliberately a more batteries-included system. We wrote and maintain a full set of core libraries (collections, async, etc.) and Google has a well-funded team to ship and maintain a full-featured web framework (AngularDart).

So we aren't as stuck needing to rely on the JS ecosystem as TypeScript is. There is still tons of useful functionality that's available in JS and not yet Dart, which is why interop is important, but we have a lot of customers that can get by without needing much or any JS interop.

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