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Immediately after that, it says: "That said, PRs are still welcome and maintenance is continued by the surrounding community."

> Which pretty much states that Glium is not a really long term viable solution at the moment.

Except what that post-mortem is _really_ saying is that OpenGL is not a long-term viable solution. The whole post-mortem is about the fact that OpenGL drivers are so buggy that you can't write portable code to target it.

"OpenGL drivers are so buggy that you can't write portable code to target it."

Sure, that's why generic non-platform specific OpenGL wrapper is a bad idea, unless you have an army of engineers to apply kludges and workarounds. I'm sorry the author had to find out this the hardest way. The quality of OpenGL drivers has always been like this.

One way of writing portable OpenGL is to look at what some popular game with open source is doing, and copy their approach, because the likelihood of a) the bugs that title triggered are mostly fixed and/or b) they managed to avoid the biggest potholes.

E.g. look at what Quake or Doom III does, etc.

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