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> SOme people are really precious about their shitty code and can't take criticism, esepcially in small companies.

It's very easy to criticize, often not easy to understand the situation where the bad code was written. Maybe the hastily-written code was the thing that saved a company from bankruptcy and was written by dedicated engineers, and bringing your friend to fix it was the plan all along, and what they needed was someone to fix the code and not decry everybody as stupid.

[I'm not saying this is what actually happened to your friend. I don't know your friend :)]

> It's very easy to criticize, often not easy to understand the situation where the bad code was written.

A lot of people seem to think that criticism of the code is the same as criticism of the person who wrote the code. They are not the same thing. Root knows I've written plenty of crappy code over the years for very valid reasons. You are not your code, saying the code sucks doesn't mean I think you suck.

> You are not your code, saying the code sucks doesn't mean I think you suck.

Some people take _any_ criticism of their code personally regardless of how constructive you are being.

I have had a person completely blow up at me for simply asking (literally a question - a valid question) "why did you choose to use a BindingList instead of a List?"

Maybe it was how I phrased it? People are tough to get sometimes.

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