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Valve has competitors in the PC games storefront market. On iOS, there is (for all practical reasons) no other storefront. People would be stuck on the App Store even if they were to charge something ridiculous like 50%, because there's no where else to go.

Iā€™m surprised there is no backlash from independent iOS developers. Not only do they have 30% taken away, they have the yearly $100 fee,they need expensive Apple products to make the app, apps have be priced low because consumers expect low priced amazing apps. Then you have to market the app to stand out.

> Valve has competitors in the PC games storefront market. On iOS, there is (for all practical reasons) no other storefront.

Predictably, this is where the goalposts have moved[1] but it's really orthogonal to whether there's value or not. Also as pointed out elsewhere, Steam is in a competitive market and charges the same commission. Also in Apple's favor is the well attested to value of the App Store vs Google Play and others in terms of raw revenue.

[1] 'Predictably' as in "Being locked down or not is a red herring to the value argument" in grandparent

Yes, but if that were the case, there would be no apps on the App Store.

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