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Ask HN: What's stopping you from turning your idea/project into a business?
3 points by ralston on Aug 14, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Curious to know some of the reasons preventing others from turning their ideas/projects into businesses. I'm not at a point where I'm trying to make an actual attempt (yet), but I think about it constantly, I know it's gonna happen one day - and that scare the $h!t out of me.

So I'll go first:

- I'm too broke - I'm too young - I'm not skilled enough to do it alone - I don't have a "network" to help - I don't even know anyone who's started a business - I'm a 'fraidy cat when it comes to spending my savings on what could potentially be a pipe dream - I'll probably fail

Mental energy to work on it after 40-50 hours of work stress.

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