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We’re talking here about integer math. Integer math on CPUs is usually fast at the expense of having coherent semantics. It isn’t even really “integer” math in any mathematical sense. It’s just “the fastest math that the CPU is capable of doing, which happens to look a lot like integer math most of the time.”

If you’re dividing floats, you will get NaN or Infinity as expected. Just like how, if you overfloat a float, you’ll get Infinity. Floating-point has well-defined semantics, which CPUs are required to adhere to, and languages just expose.

If you divide “CPU integers” by (CPU integer) 0, the result is undefined. Just like how, if you overflow a “CPU integer”, the result is undefined. There is no standard semantics being adhered to. There is no equivalent of IEEE754 for CPU integers. There is only convention, and convention has no universal answer at these edge-cases. Thus, a language is free to do whatever it wants in response to either. There are no formal semantics to expose.

Usually, a language that calls itself “safe” will choose to make CPU integers behave a lot like real integers, by generating checks and throwing exceptions for the edge cases.

And usually, a language that calls itself “low-level” will just expose whatever semantics the CPU integers of its host platform already possess. In the case where there’s still an impedance mismatch (i.e. in the case of division by CPU-integer-0 where you don’t actually get any output into a result register), the language has to make something up. To “go with the flow” of how CPU integers work, probably it should be something fast.

Thus, 1/0=0 kinda sorta makes sense. It is an operation on the field of “CPU integers” that vaguely “fits in” with the existing ones. No mathematical relevance, but just fine from the perspective of someone e.g. seeking to create a higher-level abstract machine targeting the Pony compiler, where you’d still just insert a divisor check before doing the division op if you wanted the result to make any sense.

Thanks for this explanation.

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