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https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/judicial-watch/ those guys?

"Judicial Watch has made numerous false and unsubstantiated claims, with a “vast majority” of their lawsuits dismissed"

I said find the hate speech. Not does your biased website doesn't approve of them.

JW is one of the only groups out there actually winning lawsuits to disclose information on the 2016 election and FBI mishandling of basically everything.

Sorry, they're real lawyers, in real cases, using actual facts that stand up in a court of law. I can see why your favorite website there doesn't like that.

ALSO... FWIW... My local news paper is EXTREMELY BIASED, and your site lists them as Neutral.

Your source is itself notorious for not being what it claims to be. I would argue that any website that claims to be a fact checker (whether left or right politically) is automatically less trusted, since their entire raison d'etre is to claim the right to declare whether others are biased or not. The reality is that everyone is biased. Claiming to not be so means starting from a false premise.

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