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> I have two step-sons (11 and 17), both of who are into gaming, but the elder one showed a bit of interest in programming when he was 11-12, but the problem (I think) is that the games they are playing are light-years away from anything they can even hope to program

Well, that would be like going to the cinema for Marvel movies and then refusing to do amateur films because you think that you would not be able to make Marvel movies on your own.

Sure, that's a good analogy, but what's the point? He's still right.

When you are a kid, it is hard to see the forest from the trees. To people here, understanding the basics of game development in a limited environment as a stepping stone to building larger games is probably obvious. But kids don't really have that insight.

I think the solution is to provide that insight (and this should go for parents and game engine developers): that this is foundational game design and thinking. That everyone who's working in the industry today understands these foundations. And maybe that retro is still pretty cool ;-)

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