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They should just move to a much smaller bank. To Bank of America, he's just a number, they don't care about him. A much smaller bank would value his business and would take time to discuss with him before shutting down.

Even another large bank...

I moved away from BoA because they kept canceling my Visa and sending me a new one anytime I shopped somewhere that had fraudulent activity reported by another cardholder. I would go through a 3-5 cards a year. This eventually became a huge pain the in the ass because all of my autopay accounts had to constantly be updated and every website I shopped on had to constantly update my cards (which isn't as easy as it should be on some sites).

I switched to Chase a few years ago, still on the same card.

That isn't so easy. All the smaller banks get bought by the big ones as soon as the reach a certain size. The shareholders of the small bank are more than happy to take their returns and move on regardless of the negative for their now ex-customer.

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