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I looked at an AMC I've been to. They have 20 movies listed as available to see today. Many only have 2 showings or something, but they have 20 screens, they seem to turnover more than 5 or 6 movies in a month.

I didn’t say they only have 5 or 6 movies showings at once. By turnover, I meant after you catch up on all of the movies they have now, you won’t find 20 new movies next month. Over the course of the year, they won’t have 156 movies in the theatre (52 x 3)

191 films were released by the top 10 US studios in 2015. I bet most 24-plexes screened them all, plus more.


The best I could come up with - 93 wide release movies in 2016.

AMC does restrict the subscription service so it doesn’t cover the Fathom Events movies.

Do they limit you to one viewing per movie?

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