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I think the "best" is based on a lot of factors. I teach at a liberal arts college so the "best" book for me is an OER book because I don't want to charge my students for a book that some of them may not be able to afford. If there is something wrong or lacking in the book I tell my students what I think is right or missing.

What I use:

Public Speaking: http://www.publicspeakingproject.org/

Intro to Comm: http://kell.indstate.edu/public-comm-intro/ (I helped revise this and edited together one of the chapter from existing OER chapters with my own material)

Intro to Media Studies: http://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/BookDetail.aspx?bookId=143

I think most things that claim the "best" in categories which really don't have "best"s is mainly for the clickbait. They often end up being like the link... a recommendation with a bunch of other worthy recommendations

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