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The issue with Android, is that Google never breaks backwards compatibility. Android also has improved security permissions but it’s voluntary for apps to adopt it.

VLC follows all Google recommendations, including for Oreo 8 compatibility. We rewrote our background service exactly for that.

That wasn’t meant as a knock against VLC at all. But it does say more about Huawei that they indiscriminately kill background apps without taking simple things into account like - is the app playing audio and is it being a good citizen.

It may not crash, but google does not preserve backwards compatibility. I just spent 2 weeks doing a GPS system only to find out that it doesn't work on Android Oreo + and I had to totally rewrite it. You can call my GPS idea a bad one, but you can't say that google preserves backwards compatibility. Background services have changed drastically and your old code simply doesn't execute on new versions.

No, Google regularly updates the minimum targetSdkVersion required for an app published to the Play Store. It maintains backwards compatibility for sideloaded apps.

Google will very soon force app to target the latest API level, making them adopt all the new background restrictions.

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