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Authoritarianism is inherently right-wing, if you use the original definition of right and left.

According to original definitions (from French revolution), the left objects to power inequality between people and consider citizens should be equals; while the right doesn't have problem with power inequality in society and accepts things like hereditary nobility.

And the fact is, despite propaganda that sometimes equates leftists and bolsheviks, large majority of leftists still identifies with this definition.

And how does the left get to that state of affairs in a world of power inequality?

A large majority of the right may identify with Christian ideas of charity but look at how that usually turns out.

I don't understand what you're asking about - what state of affairs?

In many countries today, we have democracy, which is according to the above definition leftist (and also very anti-authoritarian!) idea.

>Authoritarianism is inherently right-wing, if you use the original definition of right and left.


Not sure what your argument is. Word "communism" has different meanings.. maybe you could attempt to put your thoughts into full sentences?

Doesn't matter how many different meanings communism has, each and every one will ultimately be authoritarian

I think you're confusing authoritarian and totalitarian. It's a shame we cannot have a meaningful discussion, though.

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