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Practical example from the last ~8 months. I started building my somewhat non-trivial Saas [0] with MongoDB + NodeJS. Getting started was quick.

Soon however, things started playing up: - transactions - aggregations (avg, percentiles), rollups etc. - simply having a relational model to express the business domain

I switched to Postgres and I've been more than happy with it. Heroku hosting is top notch. Libraries are pretty mature. I use the JSONB and Array datatypes not heavily even. Turns out an "exact" data model is quite useful on anything none-trivial. As always, YMMV

[0] https://checklyhq.com

Think they asked about the opposite case.

I think OP's comment is a pretty clear answer to question 1: "Have you ever chosen Postgres over Mongo, and regretted it?"

OP chose Postgres over Mongo, and did not regret it.

And he answered it, with the answer being "no".

Which ORM do you use?

I use knex and objection.js

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