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> In the US the parties have Think Tanks and hordes of analysts covering these topics.

You wouldn't say so. Most 'think tanks' seem to do what they can to give the party they work for the ammo they need to get the laws passed they desire, it rarely - if every - seems to be based in a genuine desire to move matters forward.

Well you only get the strategies that lead you to the scenarios you ordered. If your party winning the next election is on the list, the strategy will be influenced by that. Not sure if there's anyone that would pay a think tank for a strategy that achieves world peace by way of destroying the party that ordered it.

So, similar to the networks of think-tanks in the US funded by the powerful to push forward their agendas. Similar oligarchic structure, different labels on the system of record.

I seem to be getting the same impression through all the news and 'research' that have come up over the years. I'd love to be proven wrong though.

Move matters forward in the sense of implementing the party’s preferred ideology.

Though it’s a far cry from the highest good of all conceded.

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