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> In the future, Microsoft wants to bring more features — which are currently not possible in asm.js (or JavaScript) — to WebAssembly.

This is very vague, but already disturbing

In my understanding, SIMD is an example of a feature like this, as is threading. It’s not just Microsoft that wants this.

>This is very vague, but already disturbing

Yeah, god forbid the platforms gets more powerful...

Maybe they'll be the first to implement tail calls!

I'm guessing these "features" will be tied to the Microsoft Store, something they're already doing with PWAs.

Many were quick to criticize Valve and Epic about their own criticism of the Microsoft Store, which is why Microsoft is now using a "boiling the frog" strategy to tie everything to the Store over the next decade or so. And this process will likely accelerate once Windows 7 is dead and buried.

For those that don't know it, WinRT always supported hosted web apps.

Microsoft has picked up on Google's PWA ideas and is migrating UWP hosted web apps to it.

I expect Google to follow a similar path with Android and ChromeOS.

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