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I wouldn't want the last name of someone that is expected to and has a mistress regardless of their level in business... They dishonored that name.

It’s not that easy. On the one hand a name can open doors of opportunity in a place where such opportunities are fenced off, on the other hand you can have your pride but not have such opportunities. Given their status options, one can guess what choice most people would make.

It's that children wanted to be acknowledged by their fathers, or to be able to claim status similar to their "first family" half-siblings.

In the Philippines, people would think you were a massive loser if you achieved business success and didn't have mistresses.

I'd rather be considered a loser with honor than a cheater with success. I have previously declined business because of the persons extramarital affairs. If they can't respect the single most important relationship in their life, I doubt they will respect our business relationship. they are not worth doing business with.

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