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Show HN: Simple Open Source 3D Online Multiplayer Battle Game Using Node.js (paiza-user.cloud)
102 points by yoshiokatsuneo on June 26, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

And, here is an article how I created the simple game: https://engineering.paiza.io/entry/paizacloud_online_multipl...

Inspiring. Good work.

Whoever "rj" is I'm "WWWWWWW...." and laughing so hard at our eternal battle

Kind of like bzflag?


A lot of good questions until the very end. Save a draft and read later before you submit an angry post

I appreciate that there is a certain sense of accomplishment that comes with doing something 'from scratch' but why wouldn't you use https://phaser.io/ or any of the other libraries/frameworks for HTML5 development? It's built for almost exactly this type of game. Does anyone know if there is a framework for turn based strategy for HTML5? Phaser seems to have more of a real time and physics focus.

Phaser is just an all purpose 2D game engine, what kind of game you create doesn't matter. It gives you a lot of tools and functionality you're probably going to end up creating yourself if you used something that's just a rendering engine like Pixi.js instead. Phaser <=2 was built from Pixi.

OP didn't really build this from "scratch" in the strict sense, they used Three.js. This is kind of the 3D equivalent of Pixi.

Phaser looks like it's for 2d games, not 3d.

It's rendered in 3D, but the physics are 2D.

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