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Twitter. Twitter just ruined a lot of people’s days.

No. Smyte had a responsibility to its customers, and should not have entered into any deal that did not include some reasonable wind-down plan.


Twitter owns Smyte. When you buy a company, you acquire all of its responsibilities. There is no longer a Smyte to point the finger at. It's all Twitter.

This is pedantic. "Smyte" means "the people who formerly made up Smyte, especially the founders".

Legally, the onus is on Twitter for pulling the plug on an API that was being used actively without much notice.

I’m actually surprised that it was done in this manner, as many startups have a “business continuity” section in whatever contracts are drawn up with customers, detailing the specific steps and timeframe of retiring a particular service. I would have thought this is standard practice for a SaaS company.

My point was that we shouldn't point the finger at Smyte because that lets the blame drop on the floor when the "Smyte" brand evaporates.

Twitter owns this now and the way to ensure it's their reputation that is affected over the long term is by correctly calling this a "Twitter" failure.

Have we read the contract? Do we know what happened?

Twitter is the one responsible now.

What about blaming the companies who decided to depend upon a service that they have no control over? I find arguing against using third party APIs to save a few days of development a constantly losing battle, with it being presented as a benefit with no costs or risks. Do those pushing/agreeing with such a view not share some blame?

> What about blaming the companies who decided to depend upon a service that they have no control over?

Unless you're advocating against any kind of *aaS, this is kind of a silly argument.

A lot of these services are not "a few days of development" worth of work. The value in these is that they have dedicated teams of people who's entire job is to run that specific targeted thing. Unless you're willing to also invest in major development, it's going to be difficult to match that functionality.

Obviously when you make your product/company depend upon these things, you're taking a risk that they could go away, but you protect yourself against that by having robust contracts.

Outages are different, but for a significant outage you expect to see some kind of RFO and explanation of how they're going to mitigate it.

Deliberately withdrawing service for all customers with 30 minutes notice? That's entirely the fault of whomever is in charge at Smyte.

Even 30 days, while it'd probably ruin some existing plans, would at least allow people to have a chance to migrate without things just breaking.

>A lot of these services are not "a few days of development" worth of work. The value in these is that they have dedicated teams of people who's entire job is to run that specific targeted thing. Unless you're willing to also invest in major development, it's going to be difficult to match that functionality.

For the cases I was involved in, there were options of buying the service but hosting it internally with some update pipeline. So even if the updates were suddenly turned off, you have a far longer time to swap to a different system. Generally deploying these aren't to much time, but what is really the issue to me isn't that the options that were chosen were the ones which were chosen, but that the process of choosing them did not evaluate the risks of creating such a strong external dependency at all. Its one thing if it is a risk taken with full knowledge of the potential costs and benefits, it is another when people do it because they think there is no possible downside.

Are you saying that:

* No website or app should ever call out to any third party API

* Every single piece of functionality a website or app has should be developed in-house

* The functionality third party APIs provide would often take "a few days" to reproduce in-house

No website or app should ever call out to any third party API

Definitely. Your website and app should only call your APIs. Your API can then call the third party API from the server. It's a lot easier to change something on the server than having to update the app.

I wanted to argue with you for posting this, but you're right, this is a smart way of handling API calls.

It's not really addressing the whole issue of depending on third party APIs if your API is calling on them, but you are technically correct, which I've heard is the best kind of correct.

> What about blaming the companies who decided to depend upon a service that they have no control over?

No. Delegation is the cornerstone of civilization. Trying to build everything yourself is a terrible idea.

> that they have no control over

Per the article, they did at least have long-term contracts locked in with Smyte. That's not the same as control over the feature, obviously, but plenty of companies do business on the strength of contracts instead of vertically integrating their entire product.

Obviously we don't have many details yet, but I think there's a real difference between simply using a third party API that works for the moment, and buying a service from a third party. If Twitter/Smyte simply broke contract with all their existing customers, that's very much their responsibility.

This isn’t really a leftpad issue. This was for fraud prevention.

Twitter has ruined a lot of people's days for a long time now. Especially in the Trump era. Nothing new here!

Not sure why you are being downvoted since Twitter has a well-established history of pulling the rug out from under people who depend on it.

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