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My guess is that your joking, if not then you must be one of the few touchbar fans ("there are dozen's of us...dozens!").

I would absolutely love the touchbar ... as long as it were in addition to the regular keyboard, instead of a replacement for that top row of keys. Put it above the keyboard and keep the ESC and function keys, and I think it would be great.

It is useful in some apps although I wouldn't have gone out of my way to pay extra for it. Having Touch ID on a corporate laptop with strict requirements to change passwords often is amazing though.

I hate the touchbar, but love touchid on my laptop

I'm in the same boat, I really like touchid. I have CAPS LOCK mapped to ESC and have rarely if ever use anything but the function keys on the touchbar. I wanted to like it and use it, but it just doesn't work well for me.

No on both counts, I'd rather they just bought their keyboards from Lenovo.

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