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This faux outrage at github being acquired by Microsoft is already boring.

Why are people upset that others are seeking alternatives?

If other people prefer to seek an alternative to GitHub, why is this upsetting to you?

Isn’t it a good thing that people can choose to move to other services?

ya.. microsoft, the committed mortal enemy of Open Source Software, is now holding the most important hub for Open Source Software.

What year are you living in?

To paraphrase what someone else said yesterday:

In a world where companies are expected to have growth every quarter, a project like GitHub is one bad quarter away from microsoft making major changes or being abandoned or being completely shutdown.

As we’ve seen with product after product, when companies are expected to have growth every quarter, they will sometimes (often?) make radical changes to the software. In the case of GitHub, if microsoft decided it needed far more profit coming in from GitHub, it is entirely reasonable to expect they may decide to shift it into a service which is only usable for their large corporate partners, or they may decide the social features need to go, or they may decide to stop allowing public repos, etc...

Microsoft has shown many many times in the past that they’re more than willing to throw out open standards and attempted to force adoption of their own proprietary standards.

It is entirely reasonable to be at least a tad skeptical given their history and their business model.

Time heals all wounds, but calling Linux and GPL a "cancer", that's pretty harsh.

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