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Is it really that much worse? A simple greedy register allocator is very, well, simple. (You don't even need a register allocator, in fact, though your performance will be poor.)

I'm not sure guaranteeing that a program halts really matters, either; really what you want is the ability to limit the amount of time a filter can run, which is simple to do directly. (In fact, it's simpler to add a timeout than to perform control flow analysis.)

> Is it really that much worse? A simple greedy register allocator is very, well, simple. (You don't even need a register allocator, in fact, though your performance will be poor.)

I mean, if you're doing something so crazy as pushing user controlled code into interrupt context, you care about performance. And the BPF scheme is within spitting distance of natively compiled code.

> I'm not sure guaranteeing that a program halts really matters, either; really what you want is the ability to limit the amount of time a filter can run, which is simple to do directly. (In fact, it's simpler to add a timeout than to perform control flow analysis.)

Right now, I don't think that there's a way for a BPF filter to 'fail' once it's been verified. It's sort of like a graphics shader in that regard.

And timeouts can't be implemented with a timer since the the filters run at interrupt context already, and manual bookkeeping comes with a perf cost (at least a lost register, and some basic block epilogue code). And that's in addition to the "well the filter failed, now how do we handle that" question that's hinted at above.

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