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I think the troll accusation might have been a bit overboard, but it's clear you're making some odd leaps in your assertions.

First, this submission is about the end of one person't handling of cpan search, not the end of CPAN, or the end of Perl. It's the change of the guard, from a lone person to a group. That doesn't exactly scream the end of something or insignificance.

Second, the comment you responded to was trying to make a point about the maintenance of old Perl. You didn't address that at all, and instead used it to make an alternate point entirely.

Really, it sort of came across like hijacking a thread to grind and axe. The problem is less the argument, and more the presentation. If you had instead presented an opinion in a bit softer manner, and asked how people thought, you might have gotten some useful responses and good discussion. Instead you made an assertion about the end of the subject of discussion, and called it defeated. It's not hard to see how some might interpreted that as an attack on the subject of their livelihood, given the general audience you could expect. At best it was tone-deaf.

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